

  • A. Yanina Gomez, Ph.D. posted an update

    As a fabulously driven woman, I bet you’ve already set goals for this year. You’re pumped up and ready to take over the world! But suddenly, you realize that this is a scary thing. You’re putting yourself out there and you’re starting to feel a little vulnerable. Your inner voices are getting loud reminding you of all the things that can go wrong once you put yourself out there. They are probably telling you that you’re not good enough, you’re crazy, it’s too risky, no one will care about what you have to say, and the list goes on.

    But… What good does it do to keep your gift to yourself? You have so much to offer. You’ve been given a special gift and it’s your responsibility to share it with others. In this blog post, I’m sharing with you 5 strategies to help you think big in 2016 and beyond.

    Click here to access the post:

    8 years ago