Professional Information
Tea & Toast
Education, Honors & Awards
University of Ottawa
Bachelor's degree, Psychology, University of Ottawa (2005) (2005)
Personal Information
Photography Traveling Volunteers at senior center and at the legion
11-15 Years
Amy Friesen is widely recognized as a luminary in the field of senior living and is celebrated for her diverse roles as a best-selling author, educator, and expert. In 2014, driven by a profound dedication to enriching the lives of seniors and their families worldwide, Amy founded Tea & Toast in 2014, a pioneering initiative aimed at providing invaluable support in navigating the complexities of housing and healthcare for seniors. Tea & Toast is a testament to Amy’s unyielding commitment to fostering better choices and alleviating the often overwhelming burdens associated with eldercare. Her holistic approach to client care not only prioritizes their immediate well-being but also facilitates seamless transitions throughout the eldercare journey, infused with compassion, empathy, and seasoned expertise. The unique methodology employed by Tea & Toast has become a beacon of hope for countless families, offering personalized assistance tailored to individual needs and aspirations. By meticulously planning for short and long-term goals, Amy and her team alleviate the stressors inherent in eldercare, allowing families to navigate this pivotal phase with confidence and peace of mind. In addition to her groundbreaking work with Tea & Toast, Amy is the visionary behind a cross-Canada association of Eldercare Planning Professionals, advocating for caregiver support, senior living, and comprehensive aging solutions. Her leadership in this domain has earned widespread recognition, including the prestigious 2018 Businesswoman of the Year Award acknowledged by the House of Commons and a recipient of the 2019 Forty Under 40 award. Amy’s influence extends far beyond her professional accolades, permeating various media platforms where she has been featured in numerous news interviews and sought-after as a guest on podcasts. Through these channels, she generously shares her wealth of knowledge and insights on senior living and eldercare planning, enriching discourse and understanding.
Marketing Psychology
Websites & Social

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