Education, Honors & Awards
Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Doctoral Degree, Oceanography
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico
Personal Information
I studied Oceanography at Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico and later did my PhD in Oceanography at Concepcion, Chile. As a researcher, I have worked in the best oceanographic institutions in Latin America including CICESE (Mexico), COPAS (Chile) and the National University of Colombia (Postdoctoral position). My research interests include air-ocean-land interaction processes, mesoscale dynamics, extreme climate events, El Niño/La Niña, climate change and marine energy and offshore studies.
Oceanography and climate studies, data analysis, programming skills, ocean modelling, strong statistics skills.
Andrea Devis-Morales has been working as a researcher at TIP in Colombia for 8 months doing scientific research for Ecopetrol metoceanic department, and she specializes in research of oceanography, climate dynamics, and marine renewables.
She felt that oceanography research studies were really lacking in her home country of Colombia. They did not even offer studies in this area at universities so she got degrees in Mexico and Chile, then returned home to Colombia to make things better in the area.
She received her Bachelors degree in Mexico and her PhD degree in Chile, both in Oceanography. She is a member of the Latin American Caribbean Oceanography Association (ODINCARSA). She is looking forward to networking and connecting with other like-minded professionals, and to gaining the recognition and credibility of being a member.
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