Professional Information
Co Owner
CuriousYou & CYOU & Retail & Brands Festival
Education, Honors & Awards
University of Groningen
Bachelors Degree, Marketing (2001)
Personal Information
Travel, fitness, golf
Linda Eriksen is the Co Owner of CuriousYou & CYOU & Retail & Brands Festival. She has over 25 years of experience in this career of marketing & communication, connecting and branding professionals. She also has experience in retail and customer service. She is responsible for connecting companies leading them the highest level possible, consulting and providing strategic planning and business consulting. She enjoys helping them grow, and she coordinates programs, seminars and training. She also designs programs to help team building and helping customers connect with other professionals. She received her degree from University of Groningen as a Marketing major and has a degree in public relations as well from Schoevers College. She owns an all women's retail networking group which she helps coordinate events, and is looking forward to networking and connecting with other like-minded professionals, and to gaining the recognition and credibility of being a member.
Marketing, communication, branding
Websites & Social

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