Professional Information
Effectual Life Coaching
Education, Honors & Awards
University of Phoenix
Bachelors Degree, Psychology
Personal Information
United States
The Worldwide Association of Female Professionals Chambers of Commerce Rotarian
Traveling Museums
21-25 Years
Million Heir-Williams is the Owner of Effectual Life Coaching. She has more than 25 years of professional experience in her field. She worked for five years as VP for Jacksonville Onslow Chamber of Commerce, served as Onslow County Commissioner, served on the NC Council of Women and is the President of Seven Times Anointed International (her own nonprofit organization). Currently, Million is working out of Lancaster California working as a business owner with her own company by the name of Effectual Life Coaching. Million’s company is based around coaching and her main role is to help with people’s needs. Million was prompted to get involved in this profession by way of natural progression, and always liked people in general. Her areas of expertise is organizing people and getting results. Million’s highest level of education is a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology with an emphasis in Advanced Life Coaching and an Associates degree in Business from The University of Phoenix. Millions has some professional affiliations and belongs to the Chamber of Commerce as well asl the Rotarian. She does public speaking with her non profit organization and has had many recognitions for her work over the years. In the next few years Million plans to continue to grow, continue to develop and make a difference in her field. She is looking forward to networking and connecting with other like-minded professionals, and to gaining the recognition and credibility of being a member.
Organizing People Results
Websites & Social

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