Professional Information
Lindberg Elmgren
Political Advisor
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Education, Honors & Awards
Linneus University
Bachelors Degree, International Relations
Personal Information
Travel Reading
21-25 Years
Susanne Lindberg Elmgren is a Political Advisor for Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a Research Officer at a major Trade Union with three Federations covering 80 percent of Sweden's workforce, she was previously appointed Political Advisor to the Swedish Minister of Finance as well as the Minister for Trade and EU Affairs. She is an independent contributor, working with the President of the Trade Union drafting policy papers related to trade issues. She became interested in political issues as a college student, economics major and followed through on that interest seeking positions that combined the two. She holds a Bachelors Degree in International Relations, Trade Politics from Linneus University, 2006. She attended scholarship training as part of the Ministry of Finance. In the next few years, she would like to continue with the Trade Union, focusing on the international trade movement and to study abroad. She credits her success to being open minded and creative, and enjoys travel, sports, and spending time with family in her spare time. She is looking forward to networking and connecting with other like-minded professionals, and to gaining the recognition and credibility of being a member.
Politics Research
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